Runtime Environment
- Windows 10 64bit
- 27-inch LCD monitor, 60Hz
- Biosemi ActiveTwo
- Drowsiness detection
Development Environment
- Biosemi Labview installation
- Python3 installation
- Spyder3 installation
- PsychoPy3.0.0 installation
o Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers
o Python3 installation
o JAVA – Android Studio installation
Get Started
- Open the Biosemi Labview and setting the option(sampling rate, channel, etc.)
- Setting the parameter of python / Java code(trial, stimulus time, etc.)
- Start the Boisemi Labview
- Execute python / Java program
- Drowsiness detection
- Wrist wear and power on the Empatica E4 device
- Connection with a PPG measurement program
- Button control of the PPG measurement program
- Offline: For storing PPG data
- Online: Real-time PPG measurement and drowsiness recognition
Overall description of source code
- Creating the visual stimulus of SSVEP / ERP
- Acquisition of EEG data of SSVEP / ERP
- Preprocessing the EEG data of SSVEP / ERP acquired.
- Feature Extraction (Common Spatial Pattern, Canonical Correlation Analysis, etc.)
- Classification (Linear Discriminant Analysis, Support Vector Machine)

- Drowsiness detection
- Acquisition of user’s PPG data using PPG measuring device (‘Empatica E4’)
- Real-time communication of acquired PPG data
- Classifier model training using acquired PPG data (offline)
- User state classification using PPG data acquired in real time (online)